

Adorable Petra! I'm sure we'll see many paintings of him in the future in many different mediums.

It makes even me feel soft - mark of a great portrait - albeit a doggy one !

Oh dear, I've gone all weak at t'knees...... Met a chocolate Labrador pup the other day: he insisted on speaking to me, as dogs often do - must know I'm completely besotted with them; he had fur like velvet ... I wonder where the appeal really lies at times, but wherever it does (innocence? instinctive friendliness? trust? just sheer goodwill?) it gets me every time. The thing is, dogs are wonderful when they're properly treated - I love Alsatians (away with this German Shepherd nonsense!) which can be actively dangerous in later life if abused, but are just superb animals when treated properly by people who understand them..... Anyway - great painting of a wonderful little chap: and if he's for sale, I want him...... (Incidentally, I see you prefer your oils and pastels, but you have great depths of colour and tone in this watercolour study; suggest you keep at it!).

Many thanks Kirstie, Christine, Michael and Robert for your very kind comments, much appreciated

How cute - I am such a sucker for puppies. Even although you say you prefer oils and pastels, you show here that you are a master of watercolour as well. Super work.

You are very competent with watercolour too Petra, keep it up. A gorgeous little puppy.

Little Max, how cute! He looks wonderful and you have caught his puppyness so well Petra. I understand why you prefer oils and pastels ( not being a watercolorist myself) but you seem to master this media as well as all the others. Beautiful work, wellcome Max!

They said it all, Petra. So: I agree 100% with the above comments.

You really are a master of all your mediums :) Max is adorable and I look forward to oil, pastel and watercolour portraits recording his journey from puppy to adult dog.

Gorgeous Petra, I look forward to seeing more portraits of this little boy. Which ever medium you choose it will be out-standing!

Puppy is gorgeous and so is this picture - Bravo!

Thank you Thea, Carole, Satu, Val, Fiona and Debs for your lovely comments, very much appreciated

Wow watercolour animals, is there no end to your skills! He is a very cute little chap.

Ohh so cute !! A lovely painting.

A beautiful puppy and a beautiful painting

Thank you Stephen, Denise and Glennis, your comments are very much appreciated

What an adorable little fella! And painted with such skill! It's a really delightful painting, Petra!

Thank you Seok for your lovely comment, much appreciated

Just seen this......just adorable. Have a soft spot for J R s anyhow. They really are a super breed,this has that slightly bewildered look of the newly bor. a complete treat of a painting.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour on Hahnemuhle Andalucia paper. 30 x 30 cms. Max is a 4 weeks old Jack Russell Terrier, our new puppy, we'll get him next month. I thought he was a good subject to try on watercolour. I prefer my oils and pastels

About the Artist
Petra Palmeri

General Practitioner and Artist based in Guernsey, Channel Islands. Petra holds a particular interest in still life and animals. Some of her paintings have been published in "Artist and Illustrators" and ‘The Artist’ magazines.

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