Metal ball and marbles reflections

Metal ball and marbles reflections

Wow - Petra another masterpiece, beautiful.

This is truly amazing Petra!!

Brilliant Petra.

Utterly amazing painting!!

You really know how to paint reflections, Petra!...another masterpiece.

Many thanks Glennis, Christine, Fiona, Michael, Carole and Peter for your very kind comments, much appreciated

Very clever reflections Petra.

The clarity in your painting is beautiful Petra.I love the reflections in the water.

Who would think a composition of a metal ball and marbles would work so well? Only you, Petra could do this so brilliantly. Love it.

Another gem to add to your perfectly painted gallery, Petra. Perfect!

Masterful! So many different reflections...... just love this subject!

So very very good Petra.

thank you Stephen, Carol, Toulla, Mia, Avril and Val, I really appreciate your lovely comments

This is amazing Petra, just beautiful.

Thanks Denise for your great comment

Another superb piece, Petra The marbles and reflection are really beautifully painted.

Many thanks Seok your comment is very much appreciated

Marvellous, reflections of reflections, you don't make life easy for yourself :) Love it.

Thank you very much Lesley for your lovey comment, much appreciated

Your paintings are just so life-like!! I have no idea how you do them - must take hours of painstaking work. If so, it certainly pays off when you produce work of this quality.

Just stunning Petra. Well done :)

Many thanks Thea and Sarah your comments are very much appreciated// Thea the time flies so fast when I am painting!!

Petra, this is a remarkable painting, although, in the light of what we have all seen you can do, it should come as no surprise that you can take such an immensely challenging subject and make it ... well, remarkable!! I've been away, and it was a treat to browse the gallery and find your latest masterwork. It leapt off the screen. Great stuff.

Many thanks for such lovely comment Duncan, very much appreciated

Very very realistic reflections plus the composition works so well.Fantastic painting.

Thank you Sean your comment is very much appreciated

In your rightful place - number 1 of Top Ten! Your paintings are quite unique and so beautiful, they have the "wow" effect! Well done.

Three in the top ten and so well deserved Petra - congrats

Many thanks Avril and Michael, very much appreciated

Been on holiday so missed the posting of the Top Ten. Well done, Petra - top of the form and two others following behind. You must be doing something right, eh!

Thank you very much Thea for your lovely comment, much appreciated


Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on linen. 60 x 60 cms

About the Artist
Petra Palmeri

General Practitioner and Artist based in Guernsey, Channel Islands. Petra holds a particular interest in still life and animals. Some of her paintings have been published in "Artist and Illustrators" and ‘The Artist’ magazines.

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