

Your repertoire is amazing, Petra. And you're equally good with everything. The details here is beautifully rendered.

I totally agree with Seok, Petra. Is there no end to your amazing talent?

A very versatile lady - beautiful painting

Totally different? It certainly is! Well done, super work :)

A proud fellah' ! A lovely piece.

Great to see you doing subjects like this Petra and what a great painting.

This was a nice surprise Petra, your repertoire is expanding, well done.

A bit of a departure that shows yours versatility as an artist Petra, this is a lovely piece, like it very much.

I love him Petra, you can paint anything.

I love the colours of the plumage, a really nice painting, well done.

You can paint anything, Petra, it will always be stunning.

Thank you Seok, Jane, Glennis, Louise, Avril, Michael, Stephen, Graham, Fiona, Susan, Mia for your lovely comments, much appreciated

It's all been said already but just wanted to add congrats from me, and thanks too for your comments on my work .

A handsome chap indeed. I wouldn't have thought the dark background would work, but it does really well and compliments all the wonderful colours in the cockerel's feathers. Nice to do something a bit different occasionally.

Wonderfully captured pose, I particularly like those tail feathers.

I love the luminous look on the feathers. Very attractive painting Petra.

He is grand. Please paint more bird life. I think that it agrees with you.

It's funny Petra because I have an urge to draw chickens ! I love this you can turn your hand to anything . Really well painted .

Totally different but still a brilliant painting. Lovely colours in his feathers which you have painted so well.

Many thanks Debs, Thea, Lesley, Carole, Sarah, Denise an Val your comments are very much appreciated

Lovely painting Petra and a really good background colour to compliment the colours used.

Thank you very much Peter for your lovely comment

Totally different and sooo good!!

Many thanks Satu your comment is very much appreciated

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on canvas, 35 x 40 cms. I had to change the subject and I thought a cockerel was totally different!

About the Artist
Petra Palmeri

General Practitioner and Artist based in Guernsey, Channel Islands. Petra holds a particular interest in still life and animals. Some of her paintings have been published in "Artist and Illustrators" and ‘The Artist’ magazines.

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