Solheim Swing

Solheim Swing (2)

Super action painting and I like the detail on her shoes and face

Your work is beautiful, I especially like the way you use edges.

lovely and free, like her swing!

Hang on Studio Wall
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I'm not really that much into golf but I did enjoy following the recent Solheim Cup (the women's version of the Ryder Cup) and got quite addicted. Inspired to create this painting from that.

For Sale

Price: 384.00
Picture Size: 16" x 12"
About the Artist
Paulette Farrell

Professional Artist. For 2020 I have decided to focus my work on cricket (which I love) and figure / portrait paintings and drawings. Although I am able to draw and paint birds, still lifes and animals and have been successful selling them I noted that whilst painting them I was forever thinking…

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