Beach Path

Beach Path

This is nice Mike even though it has the path dead centre it works very well it proves there's no absolute rules

Me too Gudrun - lovely painting Mike - the shadows are great

Great the shadows...

Thanks Dennis - I think that path is just off-centre to the left. But it's true sometimes you can get away with things being dead-centre depending on the rest of the painting.

Wow Mike I look at this and I see the waves moving, beautiful.

Great work Mike, I can almost feel the bracing sea air and the squawk of the gulls!

Hang on Studio Wall
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120x60cm oil on canvas

About the Artist
Mike Barr

Mike Barr Artist Extracting positive emotions from viewers is the main focus of Mike’s work. He has explored two main subjects that in themselves are departures from the normal humdrum of life; and that is the beach and rainy-day cityscapes. Even though rain in the city may be seem negative on…

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