'Shropshire Hills'

'Shropshire Hills'

Love it - everything is there, the imagination can be let free.

many thanks Robert as always I am encouraged by your praise. incidentally I visited Tom Coates Exhibition at Messum's last week . It is great to see problems worked out so simply and deftly. www.messums.com. A real treat !

My favorite is ' Lunch Venice by the hospital' - masterly in its understatement, and made one realise that one was only in the foothills ! mh

Wonderful chalky colours and great texture. It is strange that the two paintings you have posted here are of areas I know well - one of Shropshire where I live there, and one of Norfolk, where we had our holiday home until we sold it recently. Anyway, I see what you are getting at in this painting with the textures of the hills and grasslands.

Very nice style, and great paintings...

Lovely lively brushwork - wonderful gallery of works

Hang on Studio Wall

7 inches x 6 inches

About the Artist
Michael Harrison

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