'Norfolk Coast'

'Norfolk Coast'

Nicely abstract, but with tantalising glimpes of small houses (?) - big sky so typical of Norfolk coast - it all makes a really lovely painting.

This is a lovely little painting - reminding me somewhat of the oil sketches Constable did, which I've always enjoyed so much more than his huge, salon paintings (as I expect he did). By the way, a propos your reply on your other painting, I think you left the foothills behind quite a while ago. It takes courage and experience to take a painting to this level and absolutely no further. The freshness of this scene comes bounding at one - incidentally, I can't explain this, but.... while I don't want to paint like this myself, I would much rather live with your paintings than mine... !!? I think perhaps that's the difference between producer and consumer (or, I'm afraid, would-be consumer, since I can't really afford to buy paintings); seems odd even to me, but there we are. Difference perhaps being that you touch the essence, whereas I like to scrape away at things - but let us not over-analyse! I do that too much.

Robert once again you have confounded me with your praise and I feel particularly humble as I have discovered that you have you are considerably more practised thant I will ever be and given numerous masterclasses and penned extensive articles for the benefit of others. . I just keep on pressing the margins of my capability and somehow just occasionally I capture something of the immediacy of a scene through the rather worn prism of experience, but with just 1000 days before my 3 score years and 10 , it is all abit of a race ! Incidentally, I have just taken the plunge and spent £50 on two enties for RA Summer Show. It is something I have always wanted to do. My chances of acceptance are minimally small last year over 12k paintings were submitted and only 1.2k hung . but nothing ventured .... ! I chose 'Summer Garden' and 'Wildflower Meadow' in the hope that one or tuther might find its way through the tradesman's entrance. I have to say that it largely through fols such as yourself taking the selfless effort to post comment that I felt 'empowered to have a go. So if I do succeed perhaps we could meet up for a celebratory glass or if not let's just meet anyway and I will show you my framed and very expensive 'rejection letter' thxs again, Michael

Hang on Studio Wall
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7 inches x 5 inches

About the Artist
Michael Harrison

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