Gnome Cartoons 5

Gnome Cartoons 5
Comments is just getting too clever. I have a couple of ideas but don't seem to be able to draw them. ;-(

OOOh how did you think this one up? Love Cedric!

Brilliant Michael! I love Cedric too!

Pleased you like Cedric -he's a favourite of mine even though he only ever just seems to be there doing nothing - but that's ladybirds for you.

This is excellent, Michael! I had a good laugh!

Ahhh, Cedric is back :) Very clever Michael.

Matchless Michael!

Well strike a light - thanks for your response to this simple little cartoon - I guess i'd better make sure Cedric is around whenever I draw one of these.

Hang on Studio Wall

The Gnomes of POL feat. Cedric - today's offering - this one features Cedric who seems to find the meeting quite amusing

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Michael Edwards

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