Michael Edwards Watercolour - Main Street, Gumley

Michael Edwards Watercolour - Main Street, Gumley

A superb & very skilful watercolour Michael!

I agree with James. Yes a lovely scene.

Stunning work Michael and I look forward to reading your article in the E-Newsletter which I believe will be published on July 17th. You have captured such beautiful light in this painting and I love that phone box. I might post the painting I did for my article too...

Thanks all. Lesley - I'd not heard antything since submitting it some time ago - look forward to seeing your painting

You get such a wonderful light into your paintings and this one is no exception. The red telephone box really sets the scene off for me as it is so very British! Super work and I shall look forward to seeing the demo in the Newsletter. P.S. Don't worry about the newsletter - I think Dawn is away from 2nd July for a week and I think it is all in hand. I haven't heard anything either and I submitted my article by the deadline.

Yet another lovely village scene Michael, just enough detail and as Thea says, a great feeling of light.

Beautiful Michael, superbly painted buildings and I love the way you paint the trees. Hope there are some tips in your article on how to paint buildings that are standing up straight, mine are always leaning over. I blame the varifocals LOL

Wonderful as always.

Sorry all - no tips this time round - its an overview of how I approach watercolours - but next time - if there is a next time!

Nice light and fresh painting.It sounds a bit of a cliche, but it looks as if it was quite effortless for you to do.( mean this in the nicest possible way)Thanks for the comments on my gallery-much appreciated.

You have some really nice Watercolour village views Michael and this one is no exception. I agree with all the comments made about the composition. Did you paint it in March?? I don't remember any decent weather since then!

Love the paintings in your gallery Michael, agree with other comments, light, colour and the buildings are great.

Agree with all the above but I would like to have seen a couple of figures on the street somewhere just to give it life.

Outstanding picture michael. vibrant and beautiful.

Lovely fresh watercolour Michael as always

Wow Michael, this is an absolute stunner! Beautiful light.

Thanks so much everyone. Fred you are so right - I must add more figures to scenes such as this - anyway i am about to try something a bit different using my trusty twig with ink.

Well, I have still a lot to learn about watercolour! Your gallery is impressive.

Lovely work Michael.

Thanks Gudrun and Denise

Lovely scene. Light and airy :)

Late to the party as usual....but this is a terrific painting

This is simply gorgeous, Michael! The colors are stunning and your washes are so beautifully pristine. Your purchaser is very discerning to have picked this lovely piece.

Well done, Michael, for making the Top Ten with three of your lovely paintings. I can say with honesty that yours deserve their place because of your skill and artistry.

Congratulations on your Top Ten paintings Michael :)

Many congratulations Michael for your top ten paintings, you really deserve it. your paintings are stunning!

Michael, how much does it cost to be in the top ten month after month? (LOL)

Thanks to you all - with so many other superb postings I am completely stunned to get so high in the viewing figures but so grateful to everyone who had 'clicked on ' to my little etchings.

congratulations on your paintings being in the top ten for july :-)

And very nice it is too Michael. I bet they were pleased with it.

Hang on Studio Wall

I used this painting to accompany an article in the E-Newsletter. The only trouble is I haven't received the newsletter yet despite registering some time ago - I've emailed Dawn asking her techy boys to look into it but I've not yet heard from her - I guess she's away at the moment. The painting was a recent commission and now resides somewhere near Winchester. http://www.michaeledwardsartist.co.uk/index.html

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Michael Edwards

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