From the dark to the Light

From the dark to the Light

Simply beautiful Marjorie

Like this Marjorie plenty of atmosphere . I like the way the chair cuts into the light.

I really like this Marjorie, looks good to me as it is, I love that orange gold in the shaded part.

Thanks Dennis, Gudrun, Dennis and Carole

That's a smashing capture of the light and something I fancied doing one day and never got round to it. You have finished Marjorie.

This has a lovely feeling of light Marjorie- I like it a lot.

please don't fiddle - I've just done exactly that and as a result I lost the vibrancy and 'feel' of the painting which is now on its way to the pile which I keep for practising on the back of. This is a great painting in its own right - leave it be, Please.

Thank you Derek and Gina...and Michael, I think I will leave it, though it looks slightly off kilter due to bad photography.

Love your new concept with light and shadow Marjorie. It's one of those paintings when you say to yourself, "wish I had done this"! I love it!

This looks perfect to me and the interesting transition between the darker section of the room into the light is both exciting and intriguing. Great work.

A truly splendid piece, Marjorie. You've captured the light beautifully, and the limited palette is very a very effective counterfoil for the quality of the bright light you've portrayed.

Thanks Federico - I did this quite a while ago and smiled when I read the comments…it seems I still continue to “ tweak” or “ fiddle” with my paintings 😆

Hang on Studio Wall

8"x6"canvas which has proved a little tricky because I wanted to avoid too much detail yet enough to suggest. A larger canvas would have been easier but I'm not sure whether I've finished fiddling yet.

About the Artist
Marjorie Firth

Still Life, seascapes and portraits are my favourite subjects. I paint whatever takes my fancy and, from time to time, attend short courses. I paint in a variety of media, oils are my favourite.

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