Kippford Marina on a Dull Day

Kippford Marina on a Dull Day

Appeal to me Margaret. There is a painting in there.

Lovely sketch :)

Often the simplest are the most effective Margaret.

So much said with so little...I agree with John...definitely a really good painting from this! Go for it, Margaret!

Love your pen sketches Margaret, they say so much with so little.

Thank you for your lovely comments - I really do need to try doing some paintings from my sketches!

Hang on Studio Wall

Small, quick sketch with pen and watercolour.

About the Artist
Margaret Nisbet

I'm an amateur artist. I have drawn all my life - used to be mainly portraits but now a wider range. Did a lot of portrait/figure drawing at classes for a while in the 1990s then had a break from doing much at all until a couple of years ago, since when I've gone back to classes and workshops run…

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