Day 5 - Cat

Day 5 - Cat

You’re too hard on yourself Margaret. Great pose and spontaneity.

Lovely painting. Keep up the good work.

This is smashing Margaret, as Carole said you are too hard on yourself. I really like this.

What a fabulous puss cat, yes you are too hard on yourself.

Love his ears and he is full of character, well done , Margaret. :)

Thank you for your encouragement:) Unfortunately, it is not a flattering painting of the actual cat - and it looks better online!

Lovely painting Margaret

Love this Margaret. Perfect marks in just the right places 👍🏻

Really cute and nice values!

Thank you Rachel and Guy :)

I like your cat, it looks very thoughtful.

Thank you Dennis and Sandra :)

Nothing at all wrong with this Margaret, in fact, it’s more than a sketch.

A beautiful loose way of painting, Margaret. Keep on going!

Thank you Fiona :) Yes - I didn't want to commit myself to a painting every day - so calling it sketching/painting! A lot of the time it will be quick sketches but sometimes it will be a proper painting. This started as a quick brush sketch but because I messed it up, I had to wait for the (very wet) paint to dry to add some qouache then more paint. Thank you Mia :) - I'm trying to do more "drawing with a brush" paintings rather than drawing in any details first - mixed results!

A lovely monochrome painting Margaret.

This is really lovely, Margaret - I really love the immediacy of this piece. There's a lot of vitality and expressiveness to this piece.

This cat looks super, lovely pose and gaze, nice loose style Margaret, its form looks great!

Well done Margaret. I think that he is fab!

Very well "captured". Certainly has character !.

Hang on Studio Wall

Day 5 of my sketching/painting a day. Tried to do a painting of a friend's cat sitting on stairs - from one of my photos - 3 attempts - none of them all that great. A toss up between posting this one or one done solely in pen. Watercolour and white goauche on CP paper 12 x 9".

About the Artist
Margaret Nisbet

I'm an amateur artist. I have drawn all my life - used to be mainly portraits but now a wider range. Did a lot of portrait/figure drawing at classes for a while in the 1990s then had a break from doing much at all until a couple of years ago, since when I've gone back to classes and workshops run…

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