Day 25 - studies of pigeons in the garden

Day 25 - studies of pigeons in the garden

I like pigeons Margaret. There's one with a gammy leg which we call Limpalong. We haven't seen him for a while...I'm a bit worried. I like your sketches - the colours - I bet they were hard to do!

I think they posed for you Margaret

Really good study, Margaret, especially with regards to the colours and postures. You've nailed the fat bodies and proportions. A much maligned species, unless you're a dove. *smile* Bri

Margaret these are great little studies, you have them just right.

A very nice study , with the right colours and different poses, Margaret , lovely pigeons. :))

Great study Margaret. Must have kept you on the hop!!!

Beautiful study margaret, I like the pen marks and the colours.

Those are great sketches Margaret. I have a whole family of woodpigeons in my garden and they have become quite tame, I love watching them.

Lovely studies, Margaret. Animals are always so difficult to paint, they move constantly but you did very well.

A great piece of sketchbook work, your got the iridescent sheen of the bird with a good choice of colour.

Lovely studies, Margaret, with your typically lively linework.

You have really captured their poses. Difficult to do when the little "..........." won't keep still.!!

Thank you all for your lovely comments - they are much appreciated :)

Hang on Studio Wall

Had a go at doing pen and wash studies of the feral pigeons in our garden - hadn't realised how much they moved around until I tried to draw them! Then they kept flying off!!! Watercolour and artist pen on heavy cartridge.

About the Artist
Margaret Nisbet

I'm an amateur artist. I have drawn all my life - used to be mainly portraits but now a wider range. Did a lot of portrait/figure drawing at classes for a while in the 1990s then had a break from doing much at all until a couple of years ago, since when I've gone back to classes and workshops run…

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