Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Excellent impressionistic view Margaret.

I'm loving every aspect of this, Margaret, from the delightfully impressionistic presentation to the wonderful light on the castle walls. Super painting. Is this the masterpiece you were looking for? *smile* Bri

This is great Margaret! Love the way you have handled the foreground and I agree with Brian about the light.

Very nice Margaret. Good use of colours.

Thank you Brian - it turned out better than I expected, so I'm happy with it :)

Thank you Fiona :) It was the light that attracted me to do the original sketch and take a photo as it was very striking.

This one is very striking, Margaret, wonderful painting.

Really like this Margaret, great foreground and as Bri said the wonderful light on the castle walls.

Lovely painting Margaret and Brian is spot on about the light, great work

A great painting Margaret!

Love the style and brush marks in this Margaret. The sky is very jolly for Edinburgh.

I like this a lot Margaret

Thank you Sandra, Geoff, Jimmy, and Satu :) Thank you Carole :) yes, the sky was an amazing blue with lovely white clouds - rather unusual for us! Thank you Margaret and Russell :)

Hang on Studio Wall

Wednesday's art class subject was "buildings". Edinburgh castle in acrylic on an old "Daler Board" from a small sketch at the top of Playfair Steps, plus a back-up photo from my phone.

About the Artist
Margaret Nisbet

I'm an amateur artist. I have drawn all my life - used to be mainly portraits but now a wider range. Did a lot of portrait/figure drawing at classes for a while in the 1990s then had a break from doing much at all until a couple of years ago, since when I've gone back to classes and workshops run…

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