Trying to paint like Michael

Trying to paint like Michael

I looked at this a number of times and thought does lynn mean me? If so then my god what an honour that a fellow artist thinks well of me enough to do her own Hanrahan painting. Needless to say i myself am greatly in debt to old masters like Turner and Bierstadt. It is a fine painting lynn, and a big thankyou my friend.

What a lovely thought, Lynn. i too admire Michaels try oils... much more malleable and they don't dry so fast! This is a lovely piece in its own right, by the way!

I have tried to achieve the same effects in acrylic as i do in oil and your use of acrylic is superior to mine. In other words, yes, do try oil!!!

Thanks Michael, I'll have a go with oil. Your paintings are all so vibrant you have a wonderful eye for colour.

Hang on Studio Wall

I love Michaels moody, atmospheric paintings. My attempt falls far short, maybe oils instead of acrylic would be better.

About the Artist
Lynn Parkins

Originally from Hertfordshire I now live in Norfolk. I'm self taught and enjoy painting most subjects in a range of media.

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