Flaming locks

Flaming locks

As I have a daughter with long bright red hair this really struck a chord. Beautiful.

Thank you Val - I love red hair it has so many different tones in it

I love his portrait Lynne it could grace the cover of a romance novel as she certainly caught my eye:) the colour is wonderful but the drawing beautiful.well done

Wonderfully well done portrait with super use of all of watercolour's unique qualities. P.S. Have you seen Kim Sommerschield's work on this gallery as his work is very similar to yours and I think you would enjoy it.

William & Thea Thank you both so much for your kind comments - I shall take a look at Kim's work - thank you

Ah yes, my Mum's hair! You? Portraiture gives endless satisfaction and is endlessly addictive. You obviously have a great gift for it.

Kim - there is red hair in some of my family - but no sadly this is not me - I wish !

Excellent galleries you have posted Lynne and very accomplished. I enjoyed looking through them very much.

Hang on Studio Wall

I love how watercolour creates a magical tones

About the Artist
lynne whitfield

I am a self taught artist who only took up painting after retiring from a busy nursing career. Since that time art and painting has become a passion for me. I enjoy all media but particularly love the magic of wet in wet watercolour techniques. I have recently started to explore the versatility of…

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