Debbie and black leather jacket

Debbie and black leather jacket

Great painting Lynn, you've really got the likeness.

Great portrait Lynne, the leather coat is brilliantly rendered.

Great painting Lynne.

Outstanding portrait Lynne! Great likeness and you've got her posture spot on, the coat is brilliant too.

Great portrait Lynne, wonderful painting.

What a fabulous portrait Lynne, marvellous likeness.

Super portrait and the coat is perfect.

Thank you so much everyone for your comments - esp those about the coat as this was really my main focus of the painting

Striking portrait of Debbie Lynne.

....and yes the leather jacket is amazing!


Hang on Studio Wall

oil on canvas

About the Artist
lynne whitfield

I am a self taught artist who only took up painting after retiring from a busy nursing career. Since that time art and painting has become a passion for me. I enjoy all media but particularly love the magic of wet in wet watercolour techniques. I have recently started to explore the versatility of…

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