

Gerry the Giraffe is lovely Lynne, you have captured the gentle inquisitiveness of these huge animals who seem to make really good subjects, your pastel use here is really good

hi his is a lovley little fella i love it beatiful work xx

Thank you again, sister took the picture of Gerry, at the zoo, she is a photographer, and i think its a fantastic photo. There is another photo of the rear ends of 4 giraffes - I have yet to tackle that! The photo of the seal, was taken by my son, when he was travelling the Galapagos Islands - and there are plenty more where that one came from! Plenty to keep me busy!

Lots of fun - I do like this cheeky fellow!

Hang on Studio Wall
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I really enjoyed painting Gerry! I love Giraffes, and again, I have used oil pastels.

About the Artist
lynne Reeves

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