Dorothy May...close up

Dorothy May...close up

i think you have created a lot of good texture with a pallet knife, i have never used them as i am afraid i am insane about intricate details at time :-p if i was given a pallet knife to use and only a pallet knife, i think i would scream, so you have achieved a lot and a very lovely painting :-)

Thank you...I must be the opposite to yourself, I haven't got the patience for fine detail. I enjoy colours and textures and moods more than exact representations. I get frustrated trying to recreate intricate reproductions. The only trouble when being a bit more freestyle is knowing when to stop...

after commenting on my pic i had a look at urs and love the thick texture, this is my fav kind of art, like kyffin williams, when i do this kind of painting in oil or acrylic i sometimes use a plastic glue stick. lovely and who needs detail x

Thank you Wendy, nice of you to take the time. I never thought of using a glue stick, might try it! I am not very good with detail, dont have the patience, but would rather have the essence of what I'm trying to convey if you know what I mean

Hang on Studio Wall

This is a clsoe up of the main picture. I have experimented with palette knives for the firt time

About the Artist
Louise Sargent

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