Happy otter

Happy otter

Nicely done Lesley. I love otters!

Very characterful image, Lesley....super work round the muzzle, and those lovey shiny paws and claws!

Love the way you capture those lovely expressions. He looks as if he is about to pounce on his prey. Great stuff Lesley.

Very nicely painted Leslie, lovely whisker details, 👍😀

Thankyou so much Tessa, Chandra, Carole and Linda for your encouraging words, I ve used on of my watercolour paintings as a reference, but added those expressions myself. All good fun.

Hang on Studio Wall

Soft pastels on grey velour,

About the Artist
Lesley Hardy

Hi, thankyou for taking an interest in my artwork. Ive always been known to be the creative one, spending years encouraging art activities for children to get creative. Now in my later years I became inspired by the cornish coast. I started to sketch what i saw in june 2016 .Im a self taught…

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