Portrait of the artist suffering pain to his right hip.


Ouch! Well Michael get yourself on the waiting list now. The other one will be hurting by the time you’re seen. Good loose sketch by the way.

Thanks Tessa. I already have a new left knee and left hip.

Oh dear ! Join the club ,good sketch

Am with you on this one - I had a double hip replacement (2 at the same time) about 3 years ago. Another great image

Thanks ladies and sorry for your pain.

Very evocative. Feel your pain!

That doesn’t sound good Mick…..perhaps your lady killer days are catching up with you 💋

Oh dear Michael. What have you been up too? One of your many admirers needs to give you a good massage. Very expressive sketch. Hope things get better soon.

Thanks Christine, Fiona and Carole. Yes, I’m past my sell-by date ladies and all I have left are the memories. I don’t think a massage will revive me now. I’m hanging up my Speedos.

Great sketch!

Love your work, Michael you have the pose of this one fabulously -I can feel it.

Ouch…..I feel the pain. Once again lovely digital artwork.

Hang on Studio Wall

Digital image on iPad with Apple Pencil

About the Artist
Michael Mcmanus

I was born in 1946. In the 1960s and part of the 70s I was an airman in the Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm. I joined Durham Constabulary in 1971. In 1999 I retired from policing and began teaching sociology and criminology at Durham University with emphasis on policing and researching crime. I am drawn…

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