My England

My England

wow England looks so amazing Barrie, an amazing painting :)

Very fine pastel, Barrie, and good range of greens. Moreover, the Green is in the name of your teacher!

Nice work, Barrie! I love the way you've created the colours and textures of the rolling countryside.

Very good foreground grasses and I like the turquoise for the distance, Barrie. Nice scene

This is England indeed Barrie! Wonderful painting.

Hang on Studio Wall

Pastel painting on Sennelier pastel card. Achieved at Annabel Greenhalgh's excellent pastel course. It's a Derbyshire view.

About the Artist
Barrie Jervis

Amateur artist. I work mainly in pastels and principally on landscapes. I attend life classes working in charcoal. pen, conte crayon, and pastels. Sometimes I have painted in oils. I possess A-level Art, a certificate in painting studies, and have attended three pastel painting courses. I am a…

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