UFO , Sheffield


I read this is an actual incident, Barrie. I like the contrasting colours and the simplicity of your subject. My first thoughts were, this must be a sighting of the sun. which indeed is a rare, lately.

Very imaginative and dynamic Barrie. The unusual perspective works well.

Thanks for the comments. This was a quick gouache sketch of what I actually saw one dark evening, and I cannot explain it.

Hang on Studio Wall

Gouache sketch on paper from memory, showing a UFO traversing the rooftops of Onslow Road.

About the Artist
Barrie Jervis

Amateur artist. I work mainly in pastels and principally on landscapes. I attend life classes working in charcoal. pen, conte crayon, and pastels. Sometimes I have painted in oils. I possess A-level Art, a certificate in painting studies, and have attended three pastel painting courses. I am a…

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