My new best friend

My new best friend

A very tolerant dog. I suspect my dog would regard the headgear as lunch! Charming and amusing portrait of this little chap. Tell me, Karyl, you seem to post a drawing most days, so how many drawings do you do in a day or are some of these from work you have done in the past?

Hey Karly, this is absolutely cracking, fantastic expression, beautifully executed as usual..

Karyl these get sweeter and sweeter, this is gorgeous, you have got that potentially tricky look in the eyes beautifully

Gorgeous. My dog would be ever so confused but I love the expression on this ones face.

Yes, he doesn't seem to have quite realised what is happening on his head and his eyes tell everything. A lovely drawing Karyl!

Artistically irrelevant, but dogs can get on very well with rats, and vice versa: the bigger the dog, the more tolerant - they seem to think they're slightly deformed puppies. Terriers and Jack Russells in particular tend to enter murder, bloody murder, mode when they see a rat.... Needless to say, it's another great drawing.

Another masterpiece, Karyl. I feel it should be titled "What happens next?"

Posted by Ann Cook on Fri 09 Aug 15:10:49

Thank you all so much for your comments, Thea I only draw at night, takes me two or three nights to complete a drawing, depending on the subject.

Hang on Studio Wall

Couldn't resist this , ref photo dog mag.

About the Artist
karyl Quigley

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