Bored bored bored!!!

Bored bored bored!!!

you've captured such a great expression Karyl and so well painted.

Just gorgeous Karyl! Aren't Boxer's always bored?!

Gorgeous as always Karyl! Lovely looking chap!

I can never get bored of your dog drawings. Superb as always.

lovely work karyl .I have no idea though what inktense pencils, I wouldn't mind trying them though mind you I do like to paint at high speed im not sure about pencils ,it requires an expert hand I think like yours Karyl

In one word: fabulous!

Agree totally with Gudrum never get tired looking at you work. Jom

Apparently I have suddeNly developed a new Christian name Jom. Regards Jon

Nice composition, nice work!

Gorgeous work - just so delightful.

Any dog lover is going to love this - such an accurate impression of an expression we'll all have seen with our own mutts; but it goes way beyond that, of course: it's also a highly impressive work of art. beautifully drawn, coloured, imagined and composed. For me, it illustrates the remarkable patience of dogs - that "oh, come on!" look we get, and ultimately yield to, when it's time for a walk even though we'd really much rather settle down in the armchair.

Another lovely piece, Karyl!

Perfect Karyl the colour brings this to life!

Hang on Studio Wall

Inktense pencils.

About the Artist
karyl Quigley

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