Koyamaki Walk

Koyamaki Walk

Great work jae.

Thanks so much, Shaun!

This is so beautiful, Jae!

Thanks very much, Thalia, your kind praise made me smile today!

Hang on Studio Wall

Original oil painting on natural birch wood slice depicting a walk through Japanese Umbrella Pines - very rare and unique trees endemic to Japan. The Japanese word for the Umbrella Pine, "koyamaki", derives from its long association with Koyasan. The painting is naturally framed by birch bark which adds to the subject's earthy, rustic character. Measures approximately 25x20 centimetres. Please visit www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JPurvisStudio for more details!

About the Artist
Jae Purvis

I was born in the vibrant city of New York with one foot in the grave. Having learned to balance there, I'd never really settled on a true sense of home or calling in life. I felt my most alive when I was adrift on the winds. I'd done my award-winning art and my critical veterinary surgeries , yet…

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