Exmoor Snow

Exmoor Snow

lovely tree work John, and remember about the number of postings per day, if you look around people post 1 or 2 a day at most!

The paint is quite thin, by the look of it - all the more remarkable that you've caught the vibrancy and richness of the scene so well. I wonder - since this thought is exercising me a bit - if you have a view on very smooth as opposed to more textured canvas? I've been using the former, and am rather yearning for the latter ...

This is on a small canvas so the texture looks rougher than it really is. I like fine canvases, with several layers of primer, so the surface is relatively smooth. I used to make my own, which is much better than buying commercial ones as then you get exactly what you want, but it is quite a chore. Nowadays I usually buy good quality store made, and put two or three coats of white lead primer on before painting. Acrylic primer is a no-no; I hate the texture and the paint seems to slide around on it, hence the use of lead. I like the box canvasses with a thick edge, though the corners often need gluing before the primer goes on. I have a steel band framing clamp that makes gluing easy. This also saves having to have paintings framed.

Thanks for that reply - you'll know of course how hard it is to get hold of the lead primer these days, but I agree with you that it's so much better to work on than acrylic "gesso". I do use the acrylic, because I'm getting old and lazy, but always lay an Imprimatura over it it thinned oil paint, and find the best approach (other than NOT to be lazy, and to use the real thing) is then to develop the painting in glazes.

Atlantis have white lead primer and an online shop. Go to http://www.atlantisart.co.uk/cat.html . They are also very good value/quality for all painting supplies.

Hang on Studio Wall

This was taken from a wonderful book of photographs by James Ravillous. 6" x 4" Oil

About the Artist
john eagle

After a career in insurance and early retirement, I now spend a little more time painting, amongst a number of other distractions. I had some training in Life Classes at Heatherley's, and a few week long courses there and elsewhere. In 2006 I had a painting accepted for the Lynn Painters Prize.…

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