Fly Agaric

Fly Agaric 2

Good watercolour and colouring Jennifer. I used to love painting toadstools. They are also abundant in England.

Strange things aren't they? Beautifully rendered here. Red for danger.

These are beautiful and I can understand your need to paint them. There is a group of these local to me……I may give them a go this autumn, no sign of them yet.

This is a really lovely painting Jennifer. You have made them look 3D.

You’ve painted them beautifully!

This is a lovely painting so well done Jennifer.

Love the way you have painted these deadly mushrooms Jennifer. They look too beautiful to be so dangerous but it just goes to show nothing is ever so simple.

Thank you all for your great comments which are a pleasure to read. You are all very kind.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Painted from my photo of these which I took in Switzerland. These are the only Fly Agarics I have ever seen growing wild, so I had to paint them. Deadly poisonous, I always wonder why they are so abundant in Fairy stories.

About the Artist
Jennifer Alsop

A self taught artist with a Science background in Botany and Zoology, and I began painting when I retired from my business. I have Exhibited my work at The Mall Galleries, London,on four separate occasions with the Society of Women Artists. I have Exhibited work at Patchings on four…

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