My daughter Zoe

My daughter Zoe

You are very talented in portraits, Jan, and you also have three beautiful children.

This is superb Jan. I love the light falling on her face beautiful work on her lips.

Lovely, sensitive portrait Jan.

You are brilliant at capturing expression. I try portraits and I know how difficult this can be. Fabulous!!

Thank you for the kind comment, Audrey - much appreciated!

Stunning portraits Jan, I particularly like this on it has great maturity and lovely style.

Thanks for the encouraging comment, Carl... I wasn't very happy with this portrait when I first painted it, but it's growing on me!

Jan, your portraits are stunning. Portraits + watercolour = amazing!! Two of the most difficult things to work with.

Thanks for the kind comment, Caroline!

Yes,i agree with everyones comments. you have real talent with the portraits.watercolour is not the easiest of mediums,is it?

Great work!

Posted by T H on Mon 13 Nov 18:02:51

A lovely sensitive portrait Jan, of your daughter Zoe

Hang on Studio Wall
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About the Artist
Jan Rossington

I'm an amateur artist and my favourite medium is oil. I particularly enjoy painting scenes of people using a palette knife. I've got a lot to learn about painting, but my goal is to keep improving. I try to enjoy the process of painting rather than worrying too much about what the final painting…

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