Morning Frost

Morning  Frost

These are beautiful. I'm afraid I don't see much thats abstract about them. they seem to me to be highly detailed and realistic. Wonderful choice of palette. You've really captured the autum light. I would have these on my wall any time (sorry, can't afford them!)

I like these also. Beautiful colours, trees wonderful.

A beautiul collection of paintings Ian. I love the format it suits the subject very well and this one in particular is gorgeous, I think it's the palette you've used.

Probanly my favourite among your latest postings but they are all great - a top of the class watercolour Ian

This is beautiful Ian, so still and calm. Following on from Tony's observation about the term abstract, I see what he means. The way the tree foliage outlines echo each other put me in mind of slightly 'stylised' rather than abstract - what do you think?

That vivid blue is wonderful, takes the painting to another level. All of these panorama works are great and I've just had a lovely wander through your other portfolio, beautiful watercolours.

Another beauty Ian.

Beatutiful piece. I love this.

Thanks for the feedback. The tree style used is similar to the one I use in my more traditional landscapes and as I mention in that portfolio is inspired by Rowland Hilder. I have commented on the abstract nature of the paintings on one of the other paintings.

Beautiful paintings and colours well done

Hang on Studio Wall

Back to a slightly more abstract approach in terms of colour. The vivid blue and highlights helping to create that wintry feel.

About the Artist
Ian Ridley

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