Home for The Winter

Wyeth Bleak Marshland 200

Everything about this is SO good and I particularly like how you've painted those swans

Thanks, Heather - I have problems with figure and animals, so I just sketch them in very quickly and then leave them alone !


Ah, superb Chris!

Wonderfully ethereal work, this is great Chris.

This has so much atmosphere. I love the way you've painted the winter sky.

Feels like Turner

Hang on Studio Wall

Siberian swans returning to UK for winter 16" x 24" Watercolour, ink, charcoal and wax crayon

About the Artist
Chris Hill

I am based in Sussex and I am inspired by my local coastline, hills and marshlands. I use multi media - anything, really to get the effect that I want ! My work is available to buy as fine art prints on photo rag paper, here : https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ChrishillArtshop

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