Under same roof 1

Under same roof 1

I am enjoying your paintings .

I am really impressed with your work, but i would love to know what media you use and what size they are. (Best to put it in the description.

Very talented and unbelievably realistic Lee Kwong. Capturing history in painting is leaving behind a wealth of knowledge for the future..

I love this

The English oil painter John McCombs referred to recording places up in Yorkshire 'to beat the bulldozer' - China generally (and particularly) and Hong Kong have lost so much of the old and characterful buildings they had, and so have we: and we've lost countryside to rapacious development that is all to do with profit, not need. One day, people may look back on images such as these and realize it's all gone: by which time, it'll be too late.

Two amazing paintings, your work is so good Lee.

Hang on Studio Wall

In my spare time I would paint, and what began as a creative outlet eventually developed into my personal style. The idea “Hong Kong in a Better Light” has been in my head for quite sometime, Hong Kong is slowly disappearing; many old buildings have been demolished to make room for the modern skyscraper -- for the sake progress. If I can capture all these images, I thought, then this will live on forever for others to appreciate, enjoy, and defend!

About the Artist
Lee Kwong Tim Jackson

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