

This is really lovely Graham, I love how you have captured the light.

Beautiful and athmospheric painting Graham

Super palette, wonderful subject!

My word, Graham, this really sings out - the colours are so sunny and warm, it's the sort of painting that makes me smile. And the boats are just lovely as they are.

I like the way you have portrayed the sunlight on the buildings Graham and that lovely wet in wet backdrop. Wonderful.

Not your usual way of painting, this beautiful very sunny and colourful scene, Graham. However, I agree with all the above comments, it is very atmospheric and perfectly painted. When can we see your new version of it? I am looking forward to see the difference between the two, because your style is very different now!

I have not been to Portifino, so I have no attachment to the place...but I would put this on my wall at home simply because it's so lovely to look at.

Super work once again Graham.

Thank you all Denise,Petra,Lesley,Jane,Val,Mia and Paul for all your very kind comments after having a look at this painting it is so very much appreciated by myself, and Mia I was not really thinking of painting a new version of this piece, but when my" painters block" returns I might give it another go and as you say my style has changed a lot since this was painted around 6 years ago!!

Thanks Stephen, sorry missed your name out by accident in my post re all your kind comments.

Great use of the media - it really stands out - well done Graham

It's hard to see how you can improve on this, Graham! It's beautiful - love the palette and the sunshine. You've captured the atmosphere in spades!

Lovely colourful scene Graham and beautifully painted

Many thanks Michael,Seok and Glennis for taking time to look and make such kind comments on this painring, it is appreciated.

Love this. A lovely warm painting. The trees in the background work so well. You mention that you thought the boats you might change if doing it now but I think the boats work great as they are. The sunlight on the buildings and canopies is where my eye goes to which I think is just what you intended.

Thank you david for your kind comments.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is one from the " Archives" which I painted some time ago, it is quite a well known scene and location for artist, and I was really concentraiting in trying to generate ther really bright sunlight on the buildings rather then spending to much time on the boats,which if I was painting now would change quite a bit to improve them.

About the Artist
graham turpie

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