

I like that Gavin. The red steelwork really contrasts the interior of the barn whch is nicely dappled. Great log in the foreground.

Love this Gavin, very striking image. I find strong contrasts like this appealing. Could I ask what medium it is please?

Love the sketch style and the detail, brilliant colours especially on the log.

Fiona this is a charcoal sketch with watercolour added

Gavin , can I ask if you fix the charcoal prior to using the water colour -combine with the use of an eraser and/or also apply charcoal after the colour. It does make for a very effective presentation , extremely strong contrasts and appears more versatile than line and wash. One of the eye catchers and I like it very much.

Perfect subject - as far as I'm concerned - and well rendered

Thank you Gavin for the information, it's a wonderful combination.

Thanks Mike.When out oil painting i had cover my paints and canvass.When it slackened I hurriedly did this sketch without any care or planning colouring it without fixitive or use of erasor,

Very nice work - great colouring and like the darks

Hang on Studio Wall

About the Artist
Gavin Hunter

I was born in 1924 in Alexandria (Scotland, not Egypt!), and have painted since childhood. I'm mainly self-taught, apart from a few art school evening classes. I tutor a painting class once a week in Kilmarnock. *** Sadly Gavin died suddenly earlier this year. Many thanks for all the kind…

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