Duncombe Place, York


Wow! Awesome print Frank. Great use of colour.

Smashing use of pink! Great lino print so much detail

What a marvellous linoprint Frank! It’s so striking.

Wow that is good Frank! My maiden name is Duncombe. We come from up North!

And oddly enough I was in York last week, and I wish I had noticed this building!

Terrific Frank. I always admire your lino prints.

I really like this Frank and there's a lot of intricate work in there. Reading your Bio, you're art has come a long way since our early days of blogging and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

Thanks everyone for commenting. Funnily enough, this wasn’t the hardest reduction print I have done, as it only took four layers, though the bicycles were tricky.

This is rather brilliant Frank!

Hang on Studio Wall

We had a lovely break in York this year, where we stumbled on this building close to the cathedral. Now a large Antiques store, it’s very prominent due to its size and bright red colour. This is a four colour reduction linoprint roughly 30x30cm, done with oil based inks. I’ve used magenta for the building rather than the bright red in my photo and added a little magenta to each of the greys and black to warm the tones slightly.

About the Artist
Frank Bingley

I've had very little tuition over the years except for a two year course during the late 1990s in watercolour. Since retirement in 2012, I now have time to pursue my love of painting. In recent years I have ventured into linoprinting, acrylics , oils and gouache. Gouache is fast becoming my…

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