Time and Tide

Time and Tide

Lovely pastel Carole I know I do digital now but I have done plenty of pastel painting I can't say I liked it , too messy but this painting is beautiful.

Agree with Dennis this has a timeless quality Carole a truly great seascape

Many thanks Dennis and Dennis you are both very encouraging. I agree though about the mess!

Very good colour and sense of movement Carole.

Everything fine....except maybe the rocks should have sharper tops to them. Lovely subject and colours Carole

This is such a powerful use of pastel Carole - love your colour choices

Great, but i miss your flowers......is that a bit of kelp inbetween the rocks?

Love the limited colours in this one Carole, and you've painted the water so freely.

Beautifully done, Carole! Loads of energy and movement in this piece.

The energy and light in this is fantastic. I also like the sparse blending of colours.

Lovely pastel Carole. I hope you don't move out of your botanical works, albeit experimenting others subjects.

.....wait for no man. I think this is fabulous, very powerful.

Lovely pastel, love the looseness Carole, this is the kind of look I'm striving for.

Lovely Carole , a beautiful seascape.

you have pulled this off beautifully Carole love the sky and foam the rocks are excellent

Always lovely Carole. Great pastel work.

Very kind of you all thank you. Maybe flowers next ;)

Movements of water around the rocks are quite realistic: however I don't like pattern and colour of these rocks. Rendering of the sea water in the background and of the sky is rather monotonous. Be also careful to the line of horizon (perhaps a result of photographic reproduction). In conclusion, well done waves with foam but (in my opinion, of course) in an unlikely context.

So different to your usual work Carole but just as good :)

Thank you Enzio for your kind advice and thank you Val very much.

Hang on Studio Wall


About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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