Clydey's rhododenron, quick sketchy watercolour

Clydey's rhododenron, quick sketchy watercolour

That's a glorious piece of work, Carole. A delight to look at.

Thank you Lewis, you are very kind really appreciate your comment.

So lovely, Carole. You paint flowers beautifully.

The first word that came to me was Soft. Soft and Beutiful!

Just beautiful, Carole, especially the gorgeous greens in shadow. So well done and understated

Like all your other flowers, stunningly beautiful!

Posted on Wed 16 May 14:41:40

Quite gorgeous Carole.

How gorgeous it looks Carole, still no sign of mine flowering yet!

That is so delicate Carole. Great painting.

You've caught it beautifully Carole. We have two beauties flowering in our garden at the moment and the Clematis Montana is gloriously and thickly covering the fences.

Beautiful. Love the delicate approach to the flower.

Thank you everyone very much you made my day;). I have a lovely deep pink one flowering also, a large yellow but that is finished now. Yes Michael the Montana has a great year I notice.

I love detailed flower paintings but its nice to get away from them sometimes and this has worked so well with the loose style.

It's a peach of a painting, Carole, and no mistake. The colours are glorious in their delicacy. Love it. Brian

Super watercolour Carole. Mine always turn out like mud!

I love your flowers Carole,l and this one is particularly beautiful

wonderful colours and washes, Carole. A very effective flower.

Delightful, Carole. Such lovely shades of pink.

Thanks ever so much for your kind comments they mean a lot.

The whole painting is delicate, not only the pink colour... Soft and delicate!

Definitely A Carole Special ...lovely!

So gorgeous and delicate Carole.

Beautiful Carole.. that pink is so delicate.

Thank you Val and Rachel :)

You have captured the delicacy perfectly Carole. It is a really beautiful painting.


You do such beautiful work painting flowers, with such simple ideas, Carole

Beautiful flower painting well done Carole

It’s delicious Carole, glad you’re getting a twinkle of inspiration back.

Thanks so much ladies for your encouragement I really appreciate your lovely comments.

A beautiful portrait of a striking flower that brings to mind an early morning stroll through the garden. Well done, Carole!

Hang on Studio Wall

Bit of inspiration at last! First flowering on my daughter's long lost doggy's grave. Such a delicate shade of pink.

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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