An other Hydrangea

An other Hydrangea

Pink is such a lovely colour :-) You have really captured this plant beautifully Carole :-) You have such talent.

So beautiful, Carole - I could look at this for hours. I think to keep a hydrangea bluish it needs acid soil so if you can feed it with some peatbased compost (I know, not good...) it might not turn pink. We have some very blue ones where the soil is very acidic, yet at the front of the house there are two pink ones - more alkaline? I'm not much of a gardener, but I think that's the situation.

Thanks Rebecca and Jane. Jane I have Googled it and you are right about the peat-based compost, also I need to add aluminium! All very complicated....... the easiest it says is to plant in a large tub so that you have more control of the soil ph. Perhaps that's what I'll do :o)

Some one told me not long ago to plant a copper coin with the plant and that should keep the colour going for years. Of course, they could have been pulling my leg :) Anyway great painting :)

Really beautiful Carole, the colours are amazing. Someone once told me to bury a couple of horse shoes underneath to keep it turned white!!! I think your best bet is to do as you have mentioned and plant it in a tub using ericaceous compost. Good luck!

A really lovely delicate painting Carole, You've captured it's beautiful colour and if it turns pink it will be another challenge for you!

Thanks Sarah, Fiona and Christine, and thanks for the info ;-)

This is gorgeous, Carole. The colour changes from lilac to pink is so subtly done and works so well. the whole imagine is sophisticated, elegant and beautifully composed. Your leaves are a masterclass in themselves also. This is fantastic professional standard work and I think you should start teaching or write an instructional book about flower painting.

Thea, you are very kind and thank you for your generous comment. Not sure I could be that good though! No art qualifications let alone botanical except a two day course :-))

All the above are right, Carole, especially Thea's comment: this is stunningly beautiful and delicate. Love it!!! :)

Soft, delicate and perfectly painted. Just beautiful Carole.

I've heard that copper under the root ball keeps the blue. What a lovely painting :)

I agree with all the comments, a stunning painting, beautiful work Carole

I am always last, and it has usually all been said. Stunning.

Beautiful , delicate painting Carole.

I have the opposite problem, Carole - my hydrangeas are always turning blue! Like Jane, I've read about keeping the soil acidic to ensure blue blooms and alkaline to produce pink blooms, but I've always been too lazy to try that myself! Anyway, enough about gardening! The painting is absolutely stunning and I agree with Thea - you need to start some classes!

Thank you all for taking the time to leave your kind words, I really appreciate them.

Your botanical pics are awesome, I like them all! The way you have caught the colour transition in this is beautiful. Thanks for looking at my pic & your kind comments.

Posted by Sue Mann on Sun 05 Aug 08:35:48
Hang on Studio Wall

Painted in watercolour and watercolour pencil from a plant I bought in the market, such a lovely colour. Not sure how to keep this colour when I plant it in the garden. They always turn pink!

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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