Nanny by Lily


Beautiful sketch Ellen 🙂

Wonderful, congrats to Lily!

A superb sketch and well done Lily enjoy your time at uni.

Really great portrait sketch Lily.

Really lovely work by Lily, I wish her well in the future.

This a a super sketch Lily, well done!

Really very good, and well done Lily!

Lovely, characterful work. The smile works very well. Not easy to paint but very successful.

Thank you everyone for your support and lovely comments on Lily’s portrait. She’s just got her public exhibition of her Foundation Coursework at Nottingham Art College in the next week or so. Then she’s taking a gap year.

Hang on Studio Wall

Pencil sketch of Lily’s Nanny in Poole, this was part of Lily’s portfolio she sent off to the universities (5 in all…..5 unconditional acceptances!) after a lot of soul searching she has decided to go Nottingham Trent University to do a BA (Hons) degree in illustration.

About the Artist
Ellen Mooney

I work in acrylics. My style is abstract expressionism…..“I begin with an idea, then it becomes something else”….a quote by Picasso. I’m an Exhibiting Member of the Nottingham Society of Artists, where I regularly show my artwork in their exhibitions. Prize winner of the Holbrook Trust Award…

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