Spanish Dance 1.

Spanish Dance 1.

Well sketched life figures Derek.

Good work Derek!, these ain't easy...

Excellent challenge well drawn

Thanks Louise, Alan and Tessa

Super result Derek, I should imagine a very difficult task. I couldn’t do it.

Imagine?? Just try it. Thanks Fiona

Hang on Studio Wall

Trying stuff won via The Artist letters page, charcoal, pens etc. 3 wonderfully semi pro talented dancers performing to a group of 20 friends and family and about the same number from the Urban Sketchers Group of which Jose part of the Spanish family, is a member and organised the whole thing. In a darafty cavarenous church. Tis piece on onle piece of paper was from the 1 minute poses at the end of each dance. Several poses, but ONE minute. I did what I could. Didn't attempt any while the dances were in action. When that was happening I used the time, not really being interested, by sketching the people in the row ahead of me and other stuff.

About the Artist
Derek Snowdon

Eleventyeight as my hashing pals called my new age recently, it's supposed to sound better. Trying to paint every day in acrylics using only expired credit/debit cards, and partially succeeding as they're only for me and not show these days.

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