Interior after Fiona

Interior after Fiona

Brilliant Derek! I can see the shapes and components...especially the horizontal bar of blue. It was this that attracted me to do this set up. The blue is a type of linen material, gorgeous colour. Having a limited palette of oils I mixed Cerulean with a touch of viridian to get the's almost the same.

Thanks Fiona, I guess that could be a piano behind the chair. Yes it's all about shapes and intelocking lines - so I understand.

Such a good interpretation of the painting Derek. Very interesting to see and I do like it!

Thank you Louise. It's my current take on things, having been tempted to try abstract/modern painting. Whether I will conitnue?

Excellent use of shapes, Derek, and the palette is gorgeous!

Thanks Seok, it's what is usual or leftover on the palette.

Hang on Studio Wall

Collage, brush (no credit cards) acrylic on spare scrap of 140 Bockingford. Made the initial shapes with straight black marker lines, but not bothered about retaining them all. 19 x 28cms

About the Artist
Derek Snowdon

Eleventyeight as my hashing pals called my new age recently, it's supposed to sound better. Trying to paint every day in acrylics using only expired credit/debit cards, and partially succeeding as they're only for me and not show these days.

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