

Thanks Dennis that is a good example to follow.

Thanks Stephen I thought it might help someone

Thanks Dennis, I'm learning. I have a similar project but still contemplating. Your townscapes are superior.

Posted on Fri 04 Aug 19:10:00

Brilliant the way you do it Dennis great talent.

Thanks Ibolya very much , your already fantastic

Thanks Carole its to help others really

Thank you for this great demo, Dennis.

Thanks Dennis another masterwork

Thankyou Cesare very much

Thanks Dennis, I don't think you need to be shown anything about painting, but for those who do i hope it helps them

Dennis i learn so much from you and always blown away by your work thanks mate

Always a pleasure to talk with you Dennis

A beautiful example, Dennis, of layering and building up an image that is truly worthy of display - well done!

This is very helpful to me, I have great problems with the interpretation of a photo so the fact that you have shown the original photo, plus how you painted it, is great. Somehow I just can´t seem to get there. Look forward to some more like this? By the way, the painting is good too!

Hi Elizabeth thankyou , you made my day because it's for artists like you I did it . The painting is very basic but it gives you the idea how to simplify and change things like colour and move things about don't get bogged down with detail for no reason etc . Thanks Elizabeth

Thanks Dennis...

That's really interesting Dennis. . Thanks.

Thankyou Diana hope its helpful

It's interesting to see how you approach your paintings Dennis, thank you.

Thanks Sarah I think us painting test all want these I sights

Hang on Studio Wall

This is not a painting it's a very quick sketch, but I put it on to show others how you can simplify right down and get a painting, if I put a bit more refinement

About the Artist
dennis roberts

I was born in 1948 . It was a great time to get born as everything was on the up . I have had an unusual and exciting life and done everything I shouldn't , however life is the greatest teacher of all and I have learnt some valuable lessons . I now enjoy painting and guitar playing . I go out with…

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