A summer stroll

A summer stroll

This seems to me not a sketch, but a finished painting and very well worked, Dennis.

Hi Cesare well yes its finished but it was done fast and sketchy that gives a freshness as seen here .

Lovely Dennis and mega quick too.. Your work is beautiful and amazing, love it :)

love the leisure quickness in brushstrokes.

I am amazed at your talent Dennis

Superb brushwork, Dennis. Love the sparkle and freshness of the piece.

Love your mega quickies Dennis...stripped back and basic but everything you need.

Very nice Dennis, you always create wonderful light in your paintings. I like this.

Hang on Studio Wall

mega quick

About the Artist
dennis roberts

I was born in 1948 . It was a great time to get born as everything was on the up . I have had an unusual and exciting life and done everything I shouldn't , however life is the greatest teacher of all and I have learnt some valuable lessons . I now enjoy painting and guitar playing . I go out with…

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