Young girl

Young girl

Beautifully spontaneous Dennis. Love the colours. The touch of red sets the rest off very nicely.

Very fine portrait in such short time, Dennis.

oh we have a girl here, good one!

Lovely painting Dennis :)

Love the light on the girl's hair and her back

15 minutes of beauty and wonder Dennis

so clever, lovely sunlight Dennis.

Love your style, Dennis....

Thank you everyone much appreciated

Amazing work Dennis! Such superb brushstrokes to give a beatuiful image.

Lovely Dennis. Captures the moment beautifully! I'll have to try some 'quickies' too!!!!


Hang on Studio Wall

Very quick sketch 15 mins

About the Artist
dennis roberts

I was born in 1948 . It was a great time to get born as everything was on the up . I have had an unusual and exciting life and done everything I shouldn't , however life is the greatest teacher of all and I have learnt some valuable lessons . I now enjoy painting and guitar playing . I go out with…

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