

I remember the scene well but it was usually chocolate. Great rendition of this little chap’s escapades and love those great, big, blue, innocent eyes Dawn.

Lovely result Dawn, such a look of innocence!

A great chap, definitely artist in the know that scene so well.. I admire you for capturing it.

Thank you Carole, Tessa and Lesley. I have a photo of my own son at this age covered in red icing. He is 32 now!

Better get the wet wipes out! A lovely moment and so natural Dawn.

Looks like the little imp has been having fun but he'd get away with anything with those gorgeous big blue eyes.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watermixable oils on canvas board. I love this cheeky chap with his hands in the paint. A young artist in the making. Thanks to everyone on the forum who helped with background suggestions. I hope you like the finished piece.

About the Artist
Dawn Halliwell

I started painting in Jan 2016 after the death of my youngest sister. I found it great therapy and still do! I love experimenting with different techniques and media. I mainly work in pastel or oils for pet portraits, but I also enjoy doing ink portraits with the odd landscape thrown in for good…

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