After the beach

After the beach

Brilliant Dawn three lovely works

This puts me in mind of my own two children after a day in Falmouth, great memories. Strong image using just back and white. Well done.

Thanks, Les. It's my grand daughters.

This painting brings back strong memories for me, Dawn - my girls would always fall asleep in their car seats after a day at the beach! All the swimming, games, making sandcastles and general excitement... You've captured happy but exhausted young girls very well.

A delightful piece Dawn, looks like they had a good day!

Love it...and them!!! Brilliantly portrayed, Dawn!

Thank you, Margaret and Thalia. Two beautiful tired girls!

Excellent drawing Dawn.

Hang on Studio Wall

7 x in ink pens on watercolour paper.

About the Artist
Dawn Halliwell

I started painting in Jan 2016 after the death of my youngest sister. I found it great therapy and still do! I love experimenting with different techniques and media. I mainly work in pastel or oils for pet portraits, but I also enjoy doing ink portraits with the odd landscape thrown in for good…

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