Young monk, Angkor Wat

Young monk, Angkor Wat

Outstanding, Russell. I could spend hours looking at the detail - all that subtle shading, WOW!!

Lovely portrait Russell.

Absolutely fantastic and so skilfully painted Russell! That shaved head....

So terrific - skin tones, expression, everything

wow amazing well done!

Awesome as is you Russell

Excellent. I bet you have lots more excellent reference material to work with. Wonderful.

Very good portrait Russell. The softness of this painting translates into the peaceful nature of the person.

Posted on Tue 16 May 19:05:19

Great work!

Posted by T H on Tue 16 May 21:10:14

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments,I'm truly grateful. Yes Gudrun I do have some reference material that I'm really excited about.

I absolutely love this Russell.

Completely caught the touching youth of this chap - you wonder what he's thinking; and whether he really wants to spend the rest of his days as a Buddhist monk .... it's a picture that makes you question.

Superb - can't say more.

This portrait is fantastic Russell, the light reflected on his beautiful face is stunning.

Yep...this is stunning ...and beautiful...

What a superb portrait with your trademark use of beautiful lighting , I love it

Hang on Studio Wall

In soft pastel, reference photo from the very many taken whilst on holiday in Vietnam and Cambodia - beautiful people!

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Russell Edwards

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