Ladakh 1

Ladakh 1

I am fascinated by Ladakh as my great-aunt went there in 1902. Love this view and the prayer flags.

Another v good one

Hi Helen, yes Ladakh is a beautiful serene place, your great-aunt must have loved it there back in 1902.

Hi Heather, thanks very much :)

Hang on Studio Wall

Back in the summer of 2022, I went on a plein-air trip to Ladakh, a mountainous place in North India. These are some of those works.

About the Artist
Asif Haque

Asif Reza Haque is a painter living and working in Dhaka, Bangladesh. From a young age, Asif has lived a multicultural life, growing up in different countries. This has allowed him to acquire a broader perspective of different cultures. He realized that love unites us all, despite the many…

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