Asif Haque


Asif Reza Haque is a painter living and working in Dhaka, Bangladesh. From a young age, Asif has lived a multicultural life, growing up in different countries. This has allowed him to acquire a broader perspective of different cultures. He realized that love unites us all, despite the many differences we may possess culturally or ethnically. Asif tries to bring out this message of love, peace and unity through the stories he tells in his paintings. Asif is a self-taught artist. He finds joy in creating oil paintings and loves to apply short, visible, thick and bold brushstrokes of paint. He was a recipient of the Certificate of Artistic Achievement from the The Pinacothèque museum of Luxembourg in 2021. In 2020, his work was selected for the 22nd Young Artist Art Exhibition at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy. In 2019, he received the Best Painting Award at the Shorong Art Group exhibition in Bangladesh.