Bath Abbey

Bath Abbey

Really impressive painting. I admire your restraint as it has produced a lovely light filled and loose painting of this beautiful building.

A lovely gallery, Colin.

Has worked a treat.

Your people are very good - something I find difficult!

Hang on Studio Wall

Here is my latest acrylic painting, based on some reference photos I took a few years ago. I picked out the most interesting figures and moved them around a bit, and also tried to suggest things rather than depicting them too tightly. It is painted on a panel 40x30cm.

About the Artist
Colin Cripps

I have been keen on painting and drawing for as long as I can remember, and started to study art seriously at the age of 14 in the early Sixties with local artist Dora Leaman. I had hoped to go to art school, but for various reasons this was not possible and I lost interest for a while until theā€¦

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